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A man accused of setting fire to three predominantly black churches in a southern Louisiana parish was charged with hate crimes on Monday, adding to the three charges of arson that were filed last week.
—THE NEW YORK TIMES, APRIL 16, 2019 The fire of Notre-Dame reminds us that our story never ends. And that we will always have challenges to overcome. What we believe to be indestructible can also be touched. —EMMANUEL MACRON Our Lady of Paris our story never ends it is burning our story and the structure threatens imminent collapse the very crown of thorns is burning along with the relics of decapitated saints our story is burning the sons of deputy sheriffs douse belfries and vestibules with kerosene they ignite they tear down the old rugged cross they would light a noose and let it smolder if they could they would immolate hooded still they would strange fruit and postcards of corpses hanging from telephone poles circa whenever during all lives matter during national poetry month during lent our story is rising like sparks like cinders like a mouthful of ash at the tomb’s mouth our story is a stone rolled away a cave a caved in roof a skull the cerements of the dead burst into a lotus flower ablaze bless curse the accident the arsonist not the fire licking the tabernacle door like a good dog look at the flames dancing in the nave on the west rose window on transept pillar monstrance reliquary they are saying mass these incendiary tongues they are saying the old story we will endure this no we will die but even this end is a kind of rising
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